Jammin' in the Jungle with Joel Kleine If you get the obscure ‘Tarzan Dan’ reference in the title of this post, my hat goes off to you. If not, let’s move on. This week I got to join Joel Kleine in his basement studio for a ‘very special episode’ of my Facebook Live performances. Joel is
Drawn Into Bizarre Love Triangle Sometimes life gets in the way of art. I often feel this way as chores, doctors appointments and grocery shopping choke out my schedule. Day-to-day duties are not my go-to creative catalysts, but maybe they should be. Monday through Friday I drive my kids to school. This can stall the
The Electric Yellow Woman The electric-yellow woman I’m sitting in the waiting room of a medical lab. The space is brand new, decorated in a style I’d call “cold-nice”. It’s all grays and washed out wood-veneers. I feel like I’m in a soulless show-home where pleasing everybody has washed out
You're Not Bored Enough I’m don’t spend enough time bored. I’m talking about time without plans and time without entertainment. Time without a phone – or even a book – in my hands. Meandering, wandering time. With entertainment at my fingertips at all times, I’ve forgotten my need to be bored. Having
On Being Rejected Ah … rejection letters. I imagine every artist will read these terrible few words one day in their career; “we regret to inform you …” I got a matching set of rejection letters last week. I applied for two grants to record an album this year and just found out I received
Cross-Post: So Long and Welcome to the Future The following is a personal letter I shared today with the Bleeding Heart Art Space community – a non-musical endeavour I’ve pursued for over a decade. Until now. Read the original piece here. I have big, exciting, and difficult news for you today. And the end of June, I will
Reconciling art and faith - a conversation with Timotheories Tim Kuefler, founder of arts-and-culture channel Timotheories interviewed me a couple of months ago and the magical work of editing is now complete. Our hour and a half conversation has been boiled down to its 30-minute essence and uploaded for your enjoyment. Hear me tell Tim about why I don’
Brand new song from the railroad tracks A couple of weekends back I found myself listening to the bits of beauty friends had gathered during their time at an art and faith retreat in Calgary. I was retreating, too, so when I heard poet Stephen T Berg mention the “exquisite sorrow” of a “tritone train whistle”, I
What I Do When I Don't Want to Work This is what I do when I don’t want to work. Sometimes I get stuck. Weekly. Daily. I sputter and stall out. I find myself staring at the screen and refreshing the feed. Waiting for who-knows-what. In limbo. It was Karin Berquist, powerhouse songstress half of Over The Rhine,
Facebook Live Performance: Brought to You By The Letter 'B' I go live on Facebook every Monday at 12:30 MST. I love it when you drop by and especially when you comment so I know you’re there and I can say hello. Today’s setlist is brought to you by the letter ‘B’: Babylon (David Gray Cover) Broken
Song Story: Wherever You Are Songwriting often becomes a way of problem-solving. Or if not solving a problem, pulling it apart to see its parts. Sometimes the best a song can do is steep me in the problem – hold me in the mystery – long enough to hear something new. Wherever You Are is this type
Caught Between the Work and The Waiting My wife and I suffer a date-night curse. NIne times out of ten we plan to go out on what’s set to be a beautiful evening. Five PM the ‘cold front’ blows in and we’re wearing rubber boots with our dress up clothes. It’d be nice, but
Music Library Wherever You Are 🎵 Song Story: Wherever You Are Song writing often becomes a way of problem solving. Or if not solving a problem, pulling it apart to see its parts. Sometimes the best a song can do is steep me in the problem – hold me in the mystery – long enough to hear something
video Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac Cover with 6 Von Biekers You lucky ducks - I'm excited to show you this video FIRST! I've been working real hard on it, cloning myself five times so I can fill out this cover of Fleetwood Mac's Everywhere. I would love to hear your feedback on this one,
Song Stories: Santa Fe Santa Fe is a travelogue of longing. For the past five years I have travelled to Santa Fe, New Mexico for an arts and faith retreat called The Glen Workshop. My life has been changed in so many ways by the event, the people who attend and the location. For
video Green Eyes cover Now you get early access to my videos! I'm developing a rhythm to my work that allows me to give you early access to content I'll be sharing to a broader audience later. I worked extra hard to get two Youtube videos done this week so
Music Library Move With Me (early demo) 🎵 Hey there Patrons - it's present day :) This one goes to everyone supporting here - at any level. I'm so grateful to have you here and I wanted to share this song with you FIRST. I've played it live once - this past Tuesday
Song Stories: I Waited I wrote I Waited years ago, making it one of my oldest songs in current rotation. While I can’t pin down an exact date, I have records of it’s use in set lists as early as 2013. Maybe it all started in 2010 when I took part in
Hey 2018, This is Where We're Going 2017 was a big year for me, and I’m ramping things up in 2018. I feel like I’m hitting my stride as a musician, so rather than doing anything totally different, I’ll be doubling down on what has been working, and sharpening my focus. I’ve got
video YouTube Trailer Launch Howdy partners, Today I got around to some long-standing business and created a trailer for new visitors to my Youtube channel. A quick lil' vid showing who I am, what I make and what to expect from my channel. Progress!
Why 2017 Was My Biggest Year in Music So Far 2017 leaves me a bit tired, but full of gratitude and even awe. So much happened for my music this year, even though I feel like I’m still lacing up my runners to head to the starting line. On days when it feels the race may never begin, it
Song Stories: Silent Night I thought you might like to know a bit more about the songs I write and record. Why do I make certain choices? Why do I feel a song is important enough to put work into, and how do I know when it is done (hint: they’re never done)
Music Library Silent Night 🎵 Song Stories It's time I started giving you my back catalogue! I thought you might like to know a bit more about the songs I write and record. Why do I make certain choices? Why do I feel a song is important enough to put work into, and