You're Not Bored Enough

I’m don’t spend enough time bored

I’m talking about time without plans and time without entertainment. Time without a phone – or even a book – in my hands. Meandering, wandering time. 

With entertainment at my fingertips at all times, I’ve forgotten my need to be bored. Having nothing to do leads to wonderful – wonder-full – surprises.

Earlier this week I took my dog Carl for a walk. I usually bring my phone along but I’ve been feeling it’s grip on my psyche a little too tightly lately, so I left the phone at home. It would be me, the dog, and the waiting world. 

The evening was beautiful. The temperature was hot with a cool breeze. Sun was shining. 

Because I was had no distractions, I had fun with my dog. I met a neighbour. And I saw this …

All of this has me wondering – do we allow ourselves time to be bored, without pre-packaged entertainment? And what my happen if we did?