Good Things for Some Mystery In The Air
Thing To Listen To: Wind Of Change Is Not What You Think

I've been hooked on a podcast this week, and I'm almost done bingeing.
The 8-episode series, Wind Of Change asks whether the CIA wrote a rock song that helped bring down the USSR. The Scorpions' global mega-hit Wind Of Change opens with a whistle that may have been more than an earworm to many in Eastern Europe.
I have yet to find out whether the tale is true, but it doesn't matter. I've met a lot of interesting characters and learned a ton about international espionage. This is the type of storytelling that keeps you guessing. Keeps you hooked.
Perfect for playing while you repaint your living room. Just sayin'.
Go down the rabbit hole at
Thing To Watch: The Tides and Mary Oliver
I'm a big fan of Mary Oliver. Her calls to pay attention. Here poetry that – at its best – pulls me deep into the nourishment of nature. In this short video, actress Natasha McElhone brings her beautiful British accent to bear on Oliver's language. You may not be able to go down to the shore yourself. Or maybe you can, lucky. Either way, you can pay a visit and learn a lesson from the tides via Oliver.

Thing To Read: Mystery On The Airwaves
There is a radio station, broadcasting always, that nobody claims to run. "MDZhB" broadcasts nothing but a dull monotonous tone and, every few seconds, "a second sound, like some ghostly ship sounding its foghorn" It is all a mystery, but not without theories. Read this fascinating tale from the BBC at