Bring My DUMB HOPE Roadshow To Your Place This Summer!

I'll be returning to yards and homes all over this summer with my DUMB HOPE ROADSHOW tour!
In fact, I'd love to come to YOUR place.
Get all the details about booking a show at your place here.
In short, it's a 90 minute live performance in your home or yard or ... wherever ... by yours truly that gives you a taste of my upcoming album and helps me get it finished!
This will be my third yard-show tour like this and every year has been such a treat. So many of you have welcomed me into your homes and introduced me to new friends and listeners. I'm looking forward to repeat visits and new spots, too.
This year will be different in a couple of ways.
First, I'm booking a limited amount of shows (just 8 in total, with one already booked). The tour runs only for the summer months and serves as a preview and fundraiser for my upcoming record, DUMB HOPE.
If you've been following along, you'll know the album is nearly finished, but there are some big costs ahead that I need help with. The mixing phase is next and then there's the huge investment that is vinyl production. When you book a show, your fee goes directly to these costs, as do all of your guests' tips at the event and any profits from merch sales.
This album has been a community effort from the start and I think it's only fitting that we finish it together.
Booking a show is easy. Simply head here and select a date that works for you from what's available, then reserve your date with a $50 booking fee (until June 25). I'll be in touch shortly to finalize details.
I'll be travelling to Saskatoon for a show so even if you're a ways away from Edmonton, I'd love to make it out your way if I can.
I hope to visit YOUR plcae this summer and I'm here for any questions you may have!