Angel Featured on ChillFiltr

“If you look for something long enough, sometimes you become afraid of finding it.”

Those insightful words come from Krister Axel, author of roots music blog ChillFiltr. His reflection on my new song Angel reminds me why I write songs. It’s all about connection and discovery. Sending something out into the world and having it return changed in surprising ways.

I’m always interested in the way a song hits a listener. The way the listener finds the thread buried between words that I didn’t realized was there. The way a listener winks at a trick I’ve unknowingly played on myself.

When I wrote the line “She’s no danger to you, she’s just trying to find her way back home”, I was really just thinking about a friend encouraging a friend to allow change and forward progress. Transformation. I was not thinking about the way I need to encourage that in myself. Every day. And the way that scares me.

Next time I listen to Angel, thanks to Kristel Alex, I’ll hear it a little differently. One more facet to shine.

Read the entire review on Chilfiltr at

Listen to Kristel’s excellent Americana playlist right about here …